5 Bonuses of Online Training in Martial Arts

5 Bonuses of Online Training in Martial Arts

Wow! What CRAZY times we live in! Life can be fast paced and you never know what is coming next! So, is training in martial arts online actually something for you or your child? Do you have the time? How can it be beneficial if you are stuck at home?

Great news! In our article below, we will give the top 5 Bonuses of online training in martial arts with us at TX Black Belt Academy!

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#5 - Get rid of the “I’m bored” while at home - Doing martial arts and staying busy and active is a great way to help pass the time. There is LOTS to learn! This is a great way to change up your normal day. It creates a productive and engaging pattern interruption that changes the everyday routine. We find our students are always looking forward to the next class!

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#4 - Physically & Mentally Engaged. Engaging the mind and body is a win-win! Being physically active and staying mentally healthy is a priority for at home training. In an article from Prim Care Companion, J Clin Psychiatry states “Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1470658/

#3 - Learn at your pace - Something we like to say at TX Black Belt Academy is Black Belt is a destination, not a race. Learning online makes it easy to go at your own pace. Re-watch our material and classes as many times as you need. Your pace is the best pace! Keep drilling and be awesome!

#2 - Be Comfortable - No pressure! Keep it simple, keep it easy, and keep it fun! You can train by yourself or with a friend at home and have fun! Grab a family member, a spouse, brother, sister, mom, or dad, and make it a family fun event. Grab your favorite pajamas, sweat pants, or even if you have a uniform, get moving in comfort!

#1 - Learn a skill set that lasts a life time - LEARN LIFE LESSONS that stick with you in tough times and in easy times. There are lessons to gain in self discipline, having confidence, learning to focus at the right times, and having respect for oneself and others. Martial Arts training is the BEST at instilling these lessons. Karate, Jiu Jitsu, and Kickboxing all give life lessons worth learning. We want you to check it out for FREE! That’s right, FREE! It’s as easy as clicking the link below. Pick a time you would like to check us out and you can come in or do a virtual 1st class for FREE. Just click the “Learn More” button and start your online journey to Black Belt today!

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