Learn how to fight? Or learning how to fight back?

Learn how to fight? Or Learn how to fight back?

One of the biggest concerns we’ve heard from parents about martial arts was, “I don’t want my child to start a fight.” It’s one of the largest misconceptions of learning martial arts. Before you consider a martial arts school or training facility for your child, understand what to look for!

It is normal to think a punch, kick, block, or throw can be fighting… However, let’s think for a second about the “why”. Why does someone need to learn how to do these things?

Is it to take or oppose their will on someone?

OR Is it to make sure someone is not opposed on?

Is it to hurt someone?

OR Is it to protect someone?

These are all very important questions! At TX Black Belt Academy, we teach the principles of self defense. We teach to never, ever, EVER… start a fight, but to learn how to protect ourselves and our loved ones. We teach the principles of confidence to make sure we are not over run by someone. We teach how to avoid a physical confrontation if at all possible. We strongly encourage how to make sure you, or your child, stays SAFE and SUCCESSFUL in any situation where we cannot avoid conflict.

We love the lesson - Learning martial arts is a lot like becoming a super hero. With great power, comes great responsibility.